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Although manifestation isn’t fairly a new belief/ practice, it has become quite a hot topic nowadays. Let it be on TikTok or Pinterest, chances are you must’ve stumbled upon manifestation guides from time to time.
Even if you are a firm believer of manifestation, you might have some trouble finding the manifestation method that is best suited for you.
Honestly, there is simply no right or wrong when it comes to manifestation and there are multiple ways in which you manifest whatever you want!

What Is Manifestation?
Basically the concept of manifestation is to bring something into reality with the help of your thoughts and emotions.
The human brain is really powerful and has the ability to transform our thoughts into reality as everything/ object has vibrations and a certain frequency.
We’re constantly manifesting with our feelings and thoughts and everything that we currently have is a by-product of our thoughts.
If we think about positive things, we get positive outcomes and vice versa, i.e like attracts like. Likewise, we can intentionally manifest by setting our intention towards something specific and focusing on good energy and feelings.
Everything/ everyone has frequencies and energy and we are constantly vibrating and operating in different sets of frequencies.
By aligning our vibrations to what we want and getting in the same frequency, we can attract that specific thing into our life like a magnet.
The Universe grants you whatever you wish upon and this has been scientifically proven. Dr. Joe Dizpenza, who is a neuroscientist has done a lot of research on this and successfully helped many people to attract what they desire like healing cancer etc!
4 Different techniques for manifesting
Now heading over to the practical side, I have made a list of a few of the best manifestation methods that actually work.
1) 3 6 9 Method:
The 3 6 9 number theory was invented by Nikola Tesla who famously said: “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”
In this method, we combine the 3 6 9 numbers with Abraham’s 17-second rule. According to Abraham, if you focus on a thought for almost 17 seconds, it starts to attract other thoughts and other energy forms to make these thoughts bigger.
🔺 For this technique, create an affirmation for manifestation that is 17 seconds long. (e.g; I am so happy and grateful for this $400 that is flowing into my life so easily and making me so joyful from my affiliate account that is constantly flowing and making me so happy and abundant)
🔺 Write down this charged sentence 3 times with full emotions in the morning and visualize it happening. Then let it go and continue your day.
🔺 Write it down 6 times at noon, visualize and imagine it happening. Then detach!
🔺 Write it down 9 times before you sleep, imagine it happening and then let go! Continue this process for a month.
2) 5 x 55 Method:
The number 5 in numerology denotes realignment, change, evolution, and transformation. Similarly, 55 holds a lot of importance too.
The point is to change your subconscious thought pattern and realign it to the frequency of your desire.
🔺 For this method, choose an affirmation about something specific that you want. Write it in present tense and add gratitude in it. (e.g I am grateful for passing all my exams.)
🔺 Write it down 55 times a day for 5 days straight. Ideally, write when you wake up or before going to sleep and complete in one sitting.
3) Two Cup Method:
This is by far the most powerful manifestation method that I’ve come across and successfully used.
It is called quantum jumping and the idea is that in a parallel universe a version of you exists which already has what you desire. You can quantum jump to shift your reality with this technique.
🔺 Choose what you want to change by manifesting.
🔺 Describe your current reality and describe your desired reality.
🔺 Get 2 clear glasses, post-it notes, pen, and water.
🔺 Fill one glass with water.
🔺 On a post-it: write down one word that describes your current reality.
🔺 Place the post-it with the current reality on the glass filled with water.
🔺 On another post-it: write down one word that describes your desired reality.
🔺 Place post-it with desired reality on the empty glass. Think about the feelings and emotions of your current reality.
🔺 Take the current reality glass and pour it into the desired reality glass while focusing on the sound of water and the present moment.
🔺 Acknowledge the end of past reality and imagine living into your desired reality. Do not dream/ wish upon it, imagine you already have it.
🔺 Drink the water of your desired reality.
4) 3 x 33 Method
The number 3 signifies creativity, growth, and positivity in numerology. The number 33 is known as the “Master Teacher”.
🔺 With the method, think about what you want to manifest and choose an affirmation for that in the present tense. ( e.g I am so happy that I now have a high paying job)
🔺 Write it down 33 times daily for 3 days while speaking it with emotions.
🔺 Let it go and the universe will bless you with it at the best time.
🔺 Make sure to write in one sitting and do not type. Use different colored pens for different manifestations; e.g for manifesting money, use a green pen, red for love affirmations, and blue for physical appearance, social life, etc.
Best Practices for manifesting fastly
In order for your desires to come to fruition easily, you need to align yourself to the same energy levels and frequencies as your desires.
The best way to raise your vibrations and frequencies is by practicing guided meditations. It helps to not only elevate your mood but manifest fastly.
Secondly, reading the law of attraction books can guide you in a detailed way about manifesting, subconscious mind, universe, etc.
The best loa books include The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, It Works, The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read, The Magic of Believing, etc.
Moreover, using hypnosis for manifesting is very powerful as it accesses our subconscious mind to reprogram it. Practicing self-love, detachment, and repeating affirmations is also the way to go:)
Thank you for sharing these great manifestation methods with us.
Amazing post, loved it!